Bane Replica Vest

Batman, The Dark Knight Rises – Bane costume

My replication of the Bane vest (as worn by Tom Hardy) in Batman, The Dark Knight Rises. Constructing the vest was a mammoth job but a truly enjoyable one. After a lot of research I constructed the base vest from a waffle cotton fabric and metallic leather Nappa. The upper vest is made from heavy canvas and a rig of webbings, eyelets, poppers, buckles and rivets. All this armoury came at a price, with most of it being military spec which I had to hunt around military suppliers to find. Techniques used to make this vest included dying cloth, leather work (both by machine and hand), binding, eyeleting, paint detailing and weathering. This is a seriously impressive vest.

For information on this or other costumes that you may like to have custom made contact me here